Friday, March 11, 2011


So I made it into my local newspaper "The Journal"..front page but you know, no big deal or anything!:)
I feel like all my hard work is starting to pay off and I'm really proud of myself.

The best part of the whole situation was a phone call I got the night that the paper with my article came out..
A lady name Denise called me telling me that I inspired her and that she thought what I was doing was amazing and inspirational..and as I'm sitting already in tears she gave me some great news..that she was going to give me a 100 dollars towards Italy which is great because any kind of money helps when you're looking at a 10,000 dollar trip.. but the biggest part of the phone call was what she said..not what she gave me. It makes me realize what a big deal this is, and the opportunity I am giving myself..(with the help of my amazing parents and this wonderful woman Denise) She told me how amazing it was that I was so fearless and was going full force towards this amazing opportunity. (truthfully I am a little scared..probably more nervous than scared though).. I just am very proud of myself and glad that I refused to let this opportunity pass me by..

Here's what the letter said that she wrote me:
May fear or insecurities never hold you back from anything you want to do in life. Good luck in Italy. Make the most of your trip and enjoy. Hope this will help a little. Have fun!!

I just couldn't have asked for a better boost that this is the right thing for me.. thank you soooo much Denise you did more than you know for me!:)

This post is getting a little long but I can't help how happy and thankful this whole thing made me:)


so I'm trying to figure all this good stuff out.. like my student visa situation (which I'm so scared of because I hear its a nerve wracking experience :S) and obviously trying to keep going on my Italian.. which sometimes is hard to keep up motivation because its such a difficult language! but I find little ways to keep going..I'm doing pretty good though I can hold up a normal conversation at least.. :) OH! and another big thing right now..HOST FAMILY.. I'm waiting on that whole deal at this point and its such a difficult thing to wait forrrrr! I'm going to be living with these people for a little less than a year, I just want to meet them already! ahhh.. :(

So I've also been reading a lot of blogs from former foreign exchange students which is helping me a lot and reading all the sahweeeeet things they did when they were overseas makes me SO MUCH more pumped! I actually even emailed a girl from one of the blogs I read and she said she would be mooore than willing to help me out with questions I have which will be and already is SO helpful to calm my nerves..

I have soooo much to say but I feel like this blog is already getting way to long.. so I'll write again later..


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