Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"next time I'm in this airport I'll be leaving for Italy"

So I just got back from a trip to Florida with my family and as I'm sitting in the Minneapolis airport all these emotions come flooding to me and I realize that the next time I'm at that airport is when I'll be leaving for Italy!..

It's so weird to realize things like that..most of the time I keep it to the back of my mind to keep myself from overloading with excitement but sometimes it hits me'm going to Italy in a few months.

I keep having those "this could be the last time" moments..

this could be the last time I go to this certain place
this could be the last time I do this certain thing
this could be the last timeeeee so on and so forth..

kind of goofy this early but I was saying that when it was nine months away and look how time has flown!.. I'm practically CLINGING to these last few months that I have because I NEED the time!..

I just want to know who my host family is so I can start researching my hometown already and begin to talk to them and get to know them a little!.. I'm way too impatient for this whole process:/..

I'm going to try to keep posting a couple times every month just to keep everyone updated on how everything is coming along. At least until it gets a little closer, then it'll be a little more frequent.. until next time!..

Ci Vediamo!:)

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