Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I'm writing on my iPod..So sorry for any mistakes or whatever! far this morning I've been chased down by bikes, people, cars, and vespas. So I'm debating on dying my hair brown so I blend a little :p

Aaaaand lets Italian is improving sooo much I can keep up with most conversation if they speak a little slower than normal, which is awesomeeee!

Comunque! I'm off to a dance conservatory (space dance) to learn some hip hop :p I'll cath y'all later!


P.s sorry this post was so short but it's on my iPod so it's difficult and everyone was asking me for an update:/

Monday, September 12, 2011

Interesting Moments..

So here I am!.. in italia..
This is probably one of the best things I've ever done for myself.. as much as I absolutly miss everyone at home, and despite all the frustration with not being able to speak the language and the goofy mistakes I tend to make.. it's SO fun!

Just earlier today I made a mistake of saying there is "one big misquito" in minnesota, by saying a singular version of something plural.. sounds harmless but believe me..everyone notices and laughs..haha

I went shopping today in the beautiful town of Carpi.. oh and they had these funny escalator (sp?) thing where you actually took your cart on an up and down slant.. pretty interesting:P
but another interesting thing.. they sell alcohol EVERYWHERE.. wine beer liquor.. you name it! the mall, resteraunts, shops..e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e.  so that's pretty interesting

p.s. they have a mcdonalds here.. :/
anywaayyyy.. so yeah this whole time change thing is starting to bug me. its hard to talk to anyone when Ive got to stay up until 2 in the morning to do so, either that or get up REALLY early. so I'm working on figuring that whole deal out:/ so sorry if I havent replied to a message of yours or talked you like I said I would..believe me.. I'm trying!!

buuuuuut yeah its like 10:00 and I need to study some italiano before I gotta get going..I'll write again soon! (probably off of my ipod seeing as I dont have a converter for my laptop :/)

Buona notte!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

I have arriveddddddd..

I'm tired, I'm sick, I'm a lot things but most importantly...I'm IN ITALY.

and's everything I expecting plus more:)

my host mom and dad are sahweet, and my sister is as I'd say this is a good kick off!.. even though I am starting to get extremely frustrated with the fact that I cannot speak fluent italian..its difficult to be surrounded by people you cant understand and vice versa..hopefully this will be fixed sooner than later.

anyway for the people reading my blog to see what I'm up I unpacked (which took an agonizing 3 hours), I chatted with my host family, I ate supper (chicken, salad, and gnocchio, which is this really good bread deal), and now am about to study italian until I fall asleep..

tomorrow though! I am going to go for a relaxing run through Novi as soon as I wake up and then my host mom is taking me to this activies thing to see some things Italy offers and such in the Piazza..then my host family is taking me to a pizzeria. pretty sahweet:)

school starts in a week so I've got a week to bust my butt learning italian before I get to sit in a room and stare at a dot on the wall for five hours because I've got NO idea what they are saying..

but yeah I'm extremely jet lagged and tired and junk (considering my time is 9:20 while at home its about 2:20..I'll bet that doesnt help too much) so I'm about to hit the hay..

g'night erryone
