Friday, August 26, 2011

Down To The Wire

I'm. starting. to. royally. freak. out

I'm leaving 2 weeks from, that's no big deal!


thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttt ^^ Yeah, THAT would be my home :)

                                      and thhhhaaaaaaaaaatttttttttt^^... is our lake home:)

                                                     so yeah, only mildly excited:)

anyway a little bit of information on my host famigliaaaaaaa...
Dad: Massimo, and he is in the iron recycling business

Mom: Fabrizia, and she is an english teacher  (THANK GOD)

Sister: Emma, host sister at age 13.

but yeah, about my "royal freak out"?
I leave the United States in TWO WEEKS.  *due settimane*  (figured I'd throw a LITTLE italian in)
that's like the blink of an eye the way things have been going lately.. I feel like the past three months of summer have just floooooooown past..

Italy is just yanking me out of america..before I'm ready, I think!

*the next part is for foreign exchange students to read, nothing exciting!*
A huge reason I started this blog though was for future foreign exchange students to read (during that "exchange mania" we ALL went through) and get an understanding for the honest things you go through as an exchange student, so here's some straight honesty.. It's TERRIFYING the closer you get.. thinking about everything that's going to change..the people you wont see for however long..the things you're going to have to get use to. It's almost like culture shock begins to set in before you even set foot in the country.
Rewarding? yeah.
Exciting? ohhhh yes.
Terrifying? like you would not believe.
It's actually kind of weird how long it took for the honest emotions to set's been months that I've known I was going and only recently have I begun to get scared and anxious and nervous and, like every exchange student at SOME point before they leave, doubted if I wanted to go or not. Obviously its just a fleeting thought because since we've all made it this far through the essays and language lessons and packing and so on..we KNOW its what we want and for how hard we all worked there is NO going back..but its not a walk in the park during the few weeks before you leave. I've never been so filled with emotion! I really wish I was just there right now so I could quit wondering and worrying about if I'll be able to handle all of the differences and changes from my culture to theirs! Among all kinds of other worries and questions and ahh blah blah blah!
*sorry to anyone who read that who is not going to be a foreign exchange student just got really bored/confused.

I'll try to keep posting at least every few days until I leave and then daily once I'm there for the first couple weeks.. until next tiiimmmeee!

A presto!

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